Kamis, 26 November 2009


By M. Suyanto

Saat ini baru gempar-gemparnya membahas virus yang menyebabkan flu burung dan akibat yang ditimbulkannya, tetapi kita jarang membicarakan virus yang namanya virus entrepreneur. Virus entrepreneur harus disuntikkan sejak kecil untuk menjadikan Negara Indonesia ini unggul.

Jika virus ini disuntikkan 5 % saja dari seluruh penduduk Indonesia dan virus tersebut dapat menjadi 5 % entrepreneur, maka Indonesia sudah melebihi Taiwan dan Jepang. Entrepreneur yang ada di Taiwan hanya 4,8 % dari penduduknya, sedangkan yang ada di Jepang mencapai 4 % dari seluruh penduduknya. Indonesia, saat ini baru mencapai 1,2 %, masih kalah dengan Filipina, yang entrepreneurnya sudah mencapai 1,5 % dari seluruh penduduknya. Anggaran pendidikan yang konon pada 2006, telah mencapai 20 %, alangkah indahnya sebagian digunakan untuk menyuntikkan virus entrepreneur ini.

Kejadian menarik, saya alami ketika anak saya sakit. Saya membeli obat di toko obat milik kawan saya, yang kebetulan istrinya Tionghoa. Ketika saya sedang membeli obat di toko obat kawan saya tersebut, saya dibuat untuk bertanya, karena dilemari-lemari maupun meja-meja yang penuh obat tersebut ada kotak yang berbeda, yang ternyata berisi beberapa pak rokok. “Mbak kok sampeyan jualan obat kok juga jualan rokok ?”. Istri kawan saya tersebut tersenyum sambil menjawab “Enggak kok mas Yanto. Kotak rokok ini bukan saya yang punya, tetapi ini kepunyaannya Diana”. Diana adalah anaknya yang ketika itu masih ada di sekolah Dasar. Itulah cara keluarga Tionghoa untuk mengajari bisnis anaknya sejak kecil. Maka kalau anaknya sudah besar, saya berkeyakinan, ia akan trampil dalam dunia bisnis. Karena sekolah bisnisnya sejak SD dengan modal dari orang tua sekotak yang berisi rokok. Saudara kita Tionghoa, telah terbiasa menyuntikkan virus entrepreneur kepada anaknya sejak kecil, sehingga wajar kalau jiwa entrepreneurnya di atas rata-rata.

Saya juga bersyukur kepada Allah, sudah dikenalkan bisnis oleh nenek saya sejak SD kelas tiga, yaitu berjualan kedondong. Virus entrepreneur yang disuntikkan nenek saya tersebut merupakan kenangan manis yang tak dapat saya lupakan dan merupakan langkah awal saya mengenal dunia bisnis. Ibarat mobil yang diam tiba-tiba berjalan, dan sesudah berjalan mobil itu tidak pernah berhenti hingga saat ini, sampai mobil tersebut dihentikan oleh Sang Pencipta. Pengalaman mengajarkan bahwa menggerakkan mobil yang pertama kali tersebut yang paling sulit, karena hambatannya paling besar, sehingga banyak orang yang tidak mau menggerakkan mobil tersebut dan membiarkan mobil tersebut tetap diam ditempatnya. Tetapi mobil yang sudah berjalan hambatannya relatif lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan mobil yang diam. Jika virus untuk menggerakkan mobil ini atau virus entrepreneur ini disuntikkan kepada anak-anak yang saat ini di bangku sekolah atau perguruan tinggi, Insya Allah, Indonesia menjadi Negara yang tidak ada tandingannya dalam dunia bisnis di dunia ini. Read more "VIRUS ENTREPRENEUR..."

Becoming Entrepreneur in the Media Internet

By M. Suyanto

The Internet is a network of computers connected globally, enabling users to exchange information through various channels. Thereby allowing users to do business together. The whole world's richest entrepreneurs take advantage of the market is called the Internet. There are several reasons why the companies they target the Internet market. First of all, the television audience began to migrate to the Internet. Since they moved the advertising media must be followed, with the assumption that any marketer's goal is to reach its target audience effectively and efficiently. Marketers recognize that they must make adjustments to its marketing plan to pursue a continued increase in the number of people who spend time in front of online media, often with leaves and other media.

Second, to target the Internet market with ads that can be updated at any time with minimal cost: because the ads on the internet always look new. Third, the Internet market can reach potential buyers in a very large number in the global count. Fourth, the cost of online advertising is sometimes more expensive than television advertising, newspaper, or radio. Media advertising latter becomes more expensive because it is determined by the space will be used, how many days (time for) the ad will be loaded, and on how many television stations and local or national newspaper ad will be posted. Fifth, advertising on the internet can efficiently use the convergence of text, audio, graphics, and animation. Sixth, the Internet itself is growing rapidly. Seventh, you can create an interactive advertising and targeted on specific groups and / or individuals.

Research conducted in the fall of 1996 found that three-quarters of users of personal computers (PCs) will leave the television and spend time in front of their computers. The displacement of the amount of television that look very impressive. In addition to this fact is that Internet users are educated people and have very high incomes, so the logical if manjadi concluded that Internet explorer is a target that was envisioned by the marketers.

Beginning in 1998, this characteristic has convinced a large company that produces everything needed for consumers to start shifting advertising budgets from traditional media to Internet advertising. Toyota made a real example of the Internet so powerful. Saatchi and Saatchi, a leading advertising agency, developing Web sites for Toyota (www.toyota.com) and place banner ads on a very interesting popular sites, such as www.espn.com. Within one year, the site can be done to match the sales of Toyota's sales 800 other sources. Read more "Becoming Entrepreneur in the Media Internet..."

A Powerful Weapon Entrepreneur

A good entrepreneur must have the soul of a leader. The success of an organization or company, is determined by the leader. Center circle of leadership is communication. Communication is an art or a way to communicate something, so that others understand us. "Communication is the most important skill in life. We spend most of our awake hours to communicate "said Stephen R. Covey. Subordinates in solving problems, we tend to rush in, to fix things with good advice. But we often fail, especially the failure to take the time to diagnose the problem to really understand in depth the problem first. We usually try to dimengeri first. Most people do not listen with the intention of frightening, but they heard to answer. They are ready to talk, filtering everything through their own paradigms, reading their autobiography into other people's lives. To try to understand first, we need a paradigm shift that is not easy. We have been taught since childhood to speak, write and read. We are not taught, how good to hear that. Heard there are several levels, ranging from not trying to hear, pretending to listen, to hear only the part that we enjoy it, listen with full attention and active listening Active Listening is the central point of communication.

Active listening more effectively used, if
other person has a problem. Starting from problems experienced by children, teenagers, their parents until problems in the company. Active listening goal is to help the other person go from a problem that looks to the underlying problems or real problems, prevent you from giving solving problems, helping the other person to solve problems independently and stimulate a warmer relationship.

Active listening is to hear the response to words, intentions and feelings of the speaker. In response, words, intentions and feelings of other person, then the other person would be delighted, because feelings can dilesap little by little, could be more friendly and more profound love. The other person will begin to listen to you and become more responsible. You do not have to be "super people".

One of my staff, often not in the office. Usually the personnel to call and ask him to come in and given a warning kadangkali. Often it is precisely these employees often do not even work. My experience teaches that not so in the employee handle. I am doing with actively mendengarkanm why he did not come to work. "Is there a problem, why you often do not come to work?" I asked. "No sir" he said simply "What can I help you?" I said. "No sir" he said simply. "But why?" I asked. "Well sir. My maid, when I want to go to work out with high school kids, so I waited until the kids are leaving high school or, occasionally, often do not enter. By dating the maid, my son palingkecil not preserved, even had my son go into the pool, so that once worried sayakan sir "he replied. "What can I Bantu, so that these problems can be done?" Ask me. "I can finish it yourself" she said. Since then, my staff is always entered. From there we can find the main problem, why he often does not enter. With active listening, we do not need to solve the problem, but he was able to finish it himself. Active listening is the central point of communication, one that determines the success of an entrepreneur. Active listening is a powerful weapon for an entrepreneur. Read more "A Powerful Weapon Entrepreneur..."

Strategy Holding Angry

When I was a student, I entered the bookstore. I'll buy a pen with a pen how to choose a few that exist. As soon as I pull a pen from his place, another pen fell. I took the pen that fell, then returned to its place. The owner scolded me. Finally I decided to not buying the pens and the store owner more upset, then I left the store. Since then I have never again to store, for fear that scolded again. Likewise, when I forgot to pay credit card bill one foreign bank, I was given a letter in an angry and uncomfortable, as if I as a customer who was not responsible. I immediately closed two credit cards from the bank. In case I have a credit card is more than 7 years and during that time I became a good customer. Since then I promised myself to not have a credit card again, to see that I was not treated like that again. Errors of this collection in my opinion is very fatal.

However the marketing of foreign banks that came to me again, I give advice to not repeat mistakes. I only enough to become victims. Anger can make the customer leave the company and not come back. In the case to get a loyal customer is not easy. To get new customers a variety of strategies needed for a very competitive competition.
In the epic Ramayana, Ravana or Dasamuka is a wise king with ten heads on his shoulders. Nevertheless successes had killed his humility and kill a large number of virtues. Because of anger, he makes the mistake that caused an infinite loss for him and close him and he loved. Anger can defeat the policy of Ravana, which ended in a battle that killed many people and himself. Had to restrain angry Ravana and Rama came to hear the story of Rama's side, bloodshed inevitably will not happen. But Ravana did not do that, because he felt he was more powerful, more powerful army and more weapons, then he spit anger .. On the other hand is a king Rama who could hold his temper, though only assisted with the monkey army persejantaan limited. .
According to Promod Batra in his book Born To Win, recommend to learn from a match that simple. Has a match head, no brains. Therefore each small friction, the direct burning matches. We have a head, but we also have a brain. We need not panic just because a small friction. By using the brain, we can help to reduce anger and become free of stress. Because for every 10 minutes of anger, we lose 600 seconds of happiness. From Abu Darda ', "I said: O Messenger of Allah, show me a practice that put me in heaven". The Prophet said "Do not be angry, you will enter Paradise."

This entry was posted on Wednesday, November 19th, 2008 at 7:10 pm and is filed under Entrepreneurship, Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. Read more "Strategy Holding Angry..."

Strategy Learning from Failure

We can learn from failure and success of a company. Executive hubris cause the collapse of one of the company. In 2002, already known to the collapse of Enron, oil companies, because executives disgusting behavior of employees by firing employees en masse, but behind it was reported the company was still able to find funds to finance the $ 200,000 luxury box at what was once called Enron Field. Polaroid Company, reported to cancel retiree health benefits, retired before the company's petition, reported management instead petitioned the bankruptcy court to be allowed to give $ 19 million in bonuses to executives in order not to leave the company. Likewise, companies that pay Webvan CEO who mendurkan himself $ 375,000 annually for life, before the company ceased operations are to lay off employees. Thanks to the incidents publicized uproar about executive greed and arrogance, Americans no longer believe in the big companies to new levels. America's New Economic and promising era of new prosperity is not limited. But it was groundless, Mark Ingebretsen writes in his book Why Companies Fail: Strategies for Detecting, Avoiding, and Profiting from Bankruptcy
. "Many top executives tend to establish the distance to the front lines. The bigger the company, the more likely the top executives lose contact with the front line. This could be the single most important factor that inhibits the growth of the company "says Jack Trout. The experience of the failure of the world's top executives can be used as a very valuable lesson and we do not repeat again. But instead, founder Sam Walton as Wal-Mart, with a modest and humble to visit the front lines (salesman) of
every Wal-Mart stores throughout his life. He even mengabiskan midnight unloading didok and berbicaran the crew. Sam Walton's leadership style is close to the employee coloring corporate culture of Wal-Mart today. In 2003, Wal-Mart was selected as number one company of the most amazing world, Fortune magazine. More information can be found in the book The 10 Rules of Sam Walton: Success Secrets for Remarkable Results

Similarly, when Umar went to Sham Khatab camel ride along with his assistants. Umar took turns with the attendants in the climbing camel. When Umar camel ride, then the assistant who holds the rope, otherwise if the camel ride attendant who holds the rope Umar, and so on until the destination. When he arrived at Sham Omar's turn came to pull the rope, on the way the camels' Umar held the rope and slippers tucked under the left armpit. Governor of Syria, Abu Ubadah know and say, 'O Commander of the Faithful, the authorities have come out Syam your pick, then it does not deserve when they see you like this. "Umar said," It is with Islam because we have to be noble, it does not matter what people say ". Leaders who lead with humility is a noble leader in both the side of God and the human side. In detail can be read in a book Umar: Makers of Islamic Civilization

This entry was posted on Saturday, November 15th, 2008 at 5:21 pm and is filed under Entrepreneurship, Film Design, Change Failure Be Success. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
2 Responses to "Strategy Learning from Failure"

Khabib soleh on November 16th, 2008 at 6:44 pm

Good Start Pak Yanto. With the transfer of SK as the first professor at STMIK AMIKOM. Hopefully pack yanto can contribute more to the people with the mandate. Hopefully with the success yanto pack will be motivation for our young people. and hopefully there will be a professor to two, three etc. from STMIK AMIKOM
Khabib Soleh
Yogyakarta Muamalat
apriyanto on December 6th, 2008 at 3:52 pm

I pack one of several student representatives AMIKOM who has a website run by rekan2 amikom d3tkj students, now has been running 1bln.
Our only view promotions pnya friendster, sms, posters & chat.

My question is where the capital as the minimum we can develop our website and get the ads very much ...? Read more "Strategy Learning from Failure..."

Self-actualization World Figures

Abraham Maslow studied world leaders called the people extraordinary. These figures, among others, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, Albert Einstein, Eleanor Roosevelt, Goethe, DT Susuki, Benjamin Franklin, William Russell, Jane Addams, William James and the characters world. The people are called actualized himself. The most universal and characteristic common these figures is their ability to see life clearly, to see life as it is not according to their wishes, be patient, be more objective on the results of their observations, personal desire not to mislead their observations, have the kemampuanjauh above average in terms of judging people accurately and in a dive falsehood. Generally, the choice of their partner in marriage is much better than average, though not perfect.

Thanks to their perception that powerful, the characters of this self actualized more assertive and have a clearer understanding of right and wrong. They are more telling to predict the events that will happen. The ability to see an efficient, more precisely assess the people who "fully human" is it also seeps into many other lives, a sense not only of people but for art, music, political issues and philosophy. Tersebutmampu figures through and see the hidden realities of confusion in a more agile and more tapat than the average person.

However, they have a modest nature, able to listen to others with patience, willing to admit that they do not know everything and want to learn from others. Others will be able to teach them something. Powerful perception is partly born out of and in a better understanding of ourselves. This concept can also be described as an innocent nature of children and lack of arrogance. Children often listen without preconceptions or judgments previously. Like the children who view the world with wide eyes, a lot of criticism and without sin, observing what the problem is, without question the case or prosecute the case.

God: "O Moses, do you understand why I'm talking directly to you". Moses: "You are omniscient about it all". God: "I know every human heart, but never saw a lower heart heart like your heart, that's why I spoke directly with you". Demikialah word of God, which was reported Kaa'ab Al-Ahbar. Read more "Self-actualization World Figures..."

Belajar Dari Kegagalan

Kegagalan merupakan label yang seringkali kita hubungkan dengan suatu tindakan yang tidak berhasil dan begitu diterapkan, label ini membuat kita dikatakan orang yang tidak mampu. Hal ini menurunkan semangat kita untuk menjadi orang yang sukses. Pada saat kita masih kecil, kegagalan tidak mempunyai makna, karena kita tidak mempunyai konsep “kegagalan”. Jika kita memiliki konsep kegagalan, maka kita tidak akan dapat berbicara, tidak akan dapat menulis dan tidak akan dapat berjalan. Karena untuk berbicara, menulis dan berjalan harus melalui kegagalan yang tak terhitung jumlahnya. Demikian juga dalam dunia bisnis juga dapat meniru kegagalan kita di masa kecil dan kita dapat belajar dari kegagalan tersebut.

Coca-Cola mengalami kegagalan pada tahun pertama penjualannya. Penjualan dilakukan dengan menempatkan Coca-Cola pada tempat minuman di Apotek dan menghabiskan dana 73,96 dolar untuk melakukan promosi lewat spanduk dan kupon iklan. Kegagalan tersebut membuat Coca-Cola membuat kesadaran adanya media lain, yaitu media massa yang mempunyai kekuatan lebih disbanding media lainnya saat itu dan mempromosikan Coca-Cola dengan suasana kegembiraan.

Matsushita memproduksi untuk pertama kali adalah adaptor steker. Adaptor ini sesungguhnya telah diusulkannya kepada majikannya terdahulu tetapi tidak memperoleh tanggapan. Untuk membuat produk ini, Matsushita bersama empat kawannya membutuhkan waktu empat bulan. Setelah produk ini jadi, ternyata tidak seorangpun mau membeli produk ini.

Pada tahun 1993, Compaq yang pada saat itu sebagai pemimpin pasar penjualan PC, melalukan pemotongan harga untuk menyaingi Dell. Hasilnya Dell Computer menderita kerugian 65 juta dolar pada enam bulan pertama, yang menyebabkan hampir bangkrut. Dell belajar dari kegagalan ini. Ia mencoba mencari cara lain untuk menjual komputer. Akhirnya Dell melakukan perubahan yang sangat mendasar dalam proses bisnisnya yang disebut rekayasa ulang. dalam bisnisnya dengan mengenalkan E-Commerce. Pada 1999, Dell dapat menjual 1,7 juta dolar per hari lewat situs E-Commercnya. Saham Dell naik 2000 persen dalam dua tahun. Dell mampu bersaing dengan perusahaan berkelas dunia seperti IBM, Compaq, HP, dan Bell-Nec. Bahkan pangsa pasar dan keuntungannya terus meningkat dan akhirnya menjadi penjual PC terbesar di dunia.

Ketika saya memulai usaha bersama kawan-kawan, sayapun mengalami kegagalan yang berulang ulang. Diawali dengan kegagalan saya menjadi Salesman Buku, Salesman telex lewat telepon, dan Salesman bahan pengkilap mobil. Primagama yang hanya mendapatkan 2 siswa pada hal telah melakukan promosi yang cukup gencar. CV. Wijaya, yaitu perusahaan yang melayani jasa perawatan mobil yang akhirnya mati. Demikian juga memulai usaha pusat pendidikan komputer “IMKI”, hanya mendapatkan 3 siswa serta AMIKOM hanya dipercaya oleh 6 siswa. Saya bersama kawan-kawan mencoba untuk belajar dari kegagalan, kemudian melakukan koreksi dan mecoba memperbaikinya untuk meraih keberhasilan Read more "Belajar Dari Kegagalan..."

Four stars in the world of work

According to the Gallup Poll, by using mathematical and rough interpolation, obtained the following conclusions. If there are 1000 individuals are "kind-Columbus' explorers who received loans valued the entire economy, by assuming that each of them has 10 members world-class supporting cast around them - 10 people is very important that without them, there would be no economic miracle, then the number to 10,000. Then multiplied to 10,000 big business builder with 10 to determine roughly the amount of economic development needed to continue to support GDP growth in the United States. Ten thousand multiplied by 10 (to account for and give credit to the dominance of small jobs-to-medium size firms, which make up about 70% of the U.S. workforce) is equal to 100,000. In other words, only the 100,000 stars of various sizes is expected to create growth in the United States, a country with a population of more than 300 million people.

Here is an important part for leaders: 100,000 stars will have made growth wherever they live. If they had prepared all the stores in Sioux Falls, Kansas City, and Fargo, all the things that happened in the U.S. Midwest. If this group has lived in Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, or Brazil, $ 10 trillion will appear magically in Brazil. A simple mathematical. One star per $ 100 million of GDP growth.

If you want to ask how to significantly increase your city's GDP, we'll say you need to find and develop the 10 stars. And you have to make the best of possible talent incubator. Your incubator is energy and workers for the future. This will take some time to see the results you want, but you will not get them if you do not start with 10 stars. The only other alternative is to buy growth, as did the company, with the acquisition. Facing business leaders acquisition vs. organic growth in all matter of time, and they know that the best organic growth is a long-term strategy for any community organization or persons.

To get a better idea, it is done with how to identify these stars, the team that has many characteristics that success in business, politics, and leaders of nonprofit institutions. Only four categories or codes needed to classify them all.

1) innovators

Innovators get ideas that make new products, new markets, value stocks, and incubate thousands of jobs.

They are often beaten by their discovery while working by an organization - a hospital, the government, a company - or most often during their university studies. They are as possible, however, to follow them through out the invention in which an organization. In any case, who discovered the next big wave of energy to increase economic activity and some hatchery work.

What made the star is not only creative innovators of their capacity, but they are also rare talent for innovation in all aspects of their lives. Brilliant ideas are often born out of seeking solutions to difficult problems, and new innovations that can solve problems and create ideas. However, they are not supposed to bring people into the market.

2) Entrepreneur

Entrepreneur of the most recognizable as super-salespeople or rainmakers. Entrepreneurs are people who see the picture, realize the potential, describing the steps necessary to make the idea a reality, and then bring innovators together with supporters to form a new business. Entrepreneurs bet money or their career in a new idea, whether this is a new business or a new initiative within an organization. Employers optimistic that rare gift and determination, that, and probably will remain, the new resources the most valuable in the world. Optimism and determination is more valuable in the equation of creativity and innovation because they are rarer.

It is also important to recognize the "social entrepreneurs" in this category, because they are equally important to heat the building, the growth of the city. Social entrepreneurs provide surges of positive energy through philanthropies. This work was done entrepreneurs enhance their cultural city and always improve the welfare of society. Social Enterprisers not only create a better city, they are economic organizations and work hatching machines.

3) a superstar

Superstar is a creative achievement pursuers very rare, extraordinary people talented in the arts, entertainment, or sports. They are known as writers, singers, musicians, artists, chefs, architects, actors, fashion designers, politicians, football players and basketball, etc.. Famous people (celebrities) that have a separate category because they are valuable as a magnet for the city where they live and work. But mostly because they are economic engines for themselves. They create a new energy economy through the great movies, books, concerts and sports championships. The things they do, associated businesses that promote them, which causes them to receive ongoing support.

4) Super Mentor

Innovator, Entrepreneur, and the superstar who reliably, whether they know it or not, they have a genius developer keamapuan. We call them Super Mentor. They are the people who say, "You can be an idea to make a company. I will be an investor for you. "Or," We need support from behind the idea of a professor. Professor takes laboratory in this city. "Or," Let us start the best youth program for the state. "

There are several types of Super Mentor. Often they are "father-city," a rich businessman who has a deep concern about their city. They can be a college head or the head of a charity or religious leader or CEO. Sometimes they are just ordinary citizens who have a deep commitment to where they live and have the ability to discover and encourage talent that has not been sharpened. In any case, Super Mentor has the privilege to identify and develop young stars and with a strong hand to guide and direct them.

Super Mentors also have the capacity to provide support and extensive participation in local initiatives that will not happen without support. Growth of the best and fastest in the world in an informal way, not selected Mentor Super-group. They work outside the local government and meet regularly to determine the activities and strategies to help cities and communities win the competition.

One could argue that this group of Super Mentors make a greater and more positive toward the city than do local governments. They have many or more to access the money and influence society as a government leader who ran the job, and they have many advantages in speed and fewer barriers. And they undergo a critical function - they are the innovators who lit the fire and entrepreneurs. Read more "Four stars in the world of work..."

Profitable business

Values are the guidelines to act or act that comes from within, of the principles of how to live and make decisions.

Value, first introduced by parents in childhood and later added by the teachers, religious beliefs, friends and social circle. Spiritual values, as this is the foundation of individual behavior that is very important. Why is it important to know the values of an individual? Although this does not have a direct impact on behavior, values strongly influence the attitudes of a. So the knowledge of an individual's value system can give insight into the attitude-attitude.

With hem-known that different people value, managers can use the Rokeach Value Survey, which divide values into two groups, namely the value of the instrument and the value of the goal that can be used to assess potential employees and determine whether their values in line with the dominant values of organization. Performance and employee satisfaction is likely more important mengaggap, imagination, skinfold hung, and freedom will most likely be worse fitness value to an organization that seek compliance from its employees. The managers will be more likely mengahargai, with a positive rate, and share rewards to employees who fit within the organization, and employees will more likely be satisfied if they perceive that they are appropriate. This defense of the management effort during the selection of new employees to find candidates who not only have the ability, experience, and motivation to excel, but also an appropriate value system (compatible) with the organization's value system.

Managers should be interested in the attitudes of their employees because of his warning against the potential problems and because attitudes affect behavior. Karyawanyang satisfied and committed, for example, has come out and absenteeism rates are lower. If the manager wants the application to stop and roll down - especially among those who are productive employees - they'll want to do things that will evoke a positive work attitude, writes Stephen Robbins in Organizational Behavior.

Companies that are guided by the value of proven successful in the long run. Grameen Bank is a company that puts value with his vision of a world without poverty. Grameen Bank founded by Muhammad Yunus has only one aim which is to distribute credit to the poor in Bangladesh.

The values inculcated Muhammad Yunus to the employee or his staff to make the Grameen Bank grew rapidly. First time to help the group of mothers had poor bamboo craftsman, now has helped 46,000 villages in Bangladesh. Especially if the business is guided by the value of worship to God, then that business will gain a huge advantage. "God loves those who easily in the sale, purchase, settlement and billing. He who gives to those who hold in distress (to pay the debt) or release him, then God will menghisabnya with penghisaban light. He who receives re-purchase from people who regretted their purchase, Allah will cancel (delete) fault on the Day of Resurrection. "Words of the Prophet Muhammad. Read more "Profitable business..."

Mental peace Entrepreneur

By M. Suyanto, STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta

In order to achieve a peaceful soul for an Entrepreneur is with much remembrance of Allah. People who believe in God, love God, fear God, connected with God, then that person will be a lot to remember God in his heart. Both remember Allah by the tongue and limbs. This was driven by a sense of love, hope, lean and depend on God. Remembrance of Allah by the tongue with a hymn, bertahmid, bertakbir, bertahlil, beristigfar and pray. Remembering God with his limbs with his orders and avoid His prohibitions. Ibn Abbas in interpreting the remembrance of Allah, namely: do away the remembrance of Allah, both at night and day, on land or at sea, on the go or at home, in a rich or poor, healthy body time or sick and in a state of quiet or many people.
People who remember Allah, establish regular prayer and pay Zakat will be added by the grace of God and boundless rezkinya, as mentioned in the An-Nur verses 37-38: A man who was not neglected by the trade, nor (the) sale and purchase of the remembrance of Allah and (from) establish the prayer and (the) pay the zakat. They fear that one day (the day) the liver and the vision to be disturbed. (They're working on it) so that God increases His grace to them. And Allah gives sustenance to whom He wills without limit. Similarly, in the remembrance of Allah will make us better. In surat Al Jumu'ah verse 9: O ye who believe, when called out for prayer on Friday, then hasten unto remembrance of Allah and leave your trading. So it is better for you if you know.
People who remember Allah is also a peaceful heart. As in the letter Ar Ra'du verse 28: .. (They are) those who believe and their hearts find satisfaction in the remembrance of Allah. Remember, only the remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction. Remembering God is the beginning and there is eventually. Outset peace and love and ultimately peace and love that can be incarnated and arose from people who remember Allah.
Similarly, those who remember Allah, will be remembered by God, called by God and with God. If God has given a slave, then it is the guidance and instructions to achieve happiness and success early in the world and the Hereafter. In divine hadith, the Prophet s.a.w. He said: Allah s.w.t. says: I based my servant prejudice against Me. I was with him when he remembered me. When she reminded me of him, surely I will remember it in my self. When she reminded me of a people, surely I will remember it in a better people than them. When he approached me a span, surely I will approach sehasta. When he approached me sehasta, surely I will approach sedepa. When he comes to Me walking, surely I will come to him jogging (Bukhari and Muslim).
In contrast to forget remembrance of Allah, we will include the losers. Allah says in surah Al Munaafiquun verse 9: O ye who believe let not your possessions and your children divert you from the remembrance of Allah. Anyone who makes such, they are the ones who lose. Read more "Mental peace Entrepreneur..."

Style Entrepreneur rights Heaven

By M. Suyanto, STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta

Rights that must be fulfilled by an entrepreneur (entrepreneur) to Allah is the charity of their property, followed shodaqoh and infak. In a letter of At-Tauba verse 103: Take alms of their wealth, with the charity that you cleanse and purify them, and berdo'alah for them. Surely you prayers that (a) peace for their souls. And Allah is Hearing, Knowing. In surat Al-Baqarah verse 110: And be steadfast in prayer, practice regular charity. And whatever good you try for yourself, surely you will get a reward with Allah. Verily Allah is Seer of what ye do. Keperuntukan charity that has already been set by God which is mentioned in the letter of At-Tauba verse 60: Alms it, just for poor people, poor people, board-board charity, which persuaded the heart reverts to (freeing) of slaves , the people who owe, to the way of God and the people who are on the way as something that required God's decree, and Allah is Knowing, Wise. Spend a perfect treasure is the treasure that is loved. In the letter Ali Imran verse 92: You shall not come to righteousness (perfect), until ye spend of that which ye love wealth. And whatever ye spend, Allah knows.
God commanded to do business with the same love-love. In the letter al-Nisa 'verse 29: O ye who believe, do not eat each other neighbor's property by falsehood, except with the prevailing commercial street with the same love-love between you. And do not kill yourselves, Allah is ever Merciful to you.
Messenger s.a.w. suggest to have the right khiyar, which is the seller and the buyer the right to make choices between buying and selling continue or cancel. From Ibn `Umar, the Messenger of Allah, that it is him say:" If two people have bought and sold, then each one of them may not khiyar during their separation, and both are still together, or one of them has given to khiyar the other, and both have done on the basis of buying and selling khiyar it, it's really buying and selling should be done on the case. If they had split up after making a sale and purchase, while the other one has not left (the) sale and purchase. Then selling it to do so. "(Bukhari and Muslim). From Judge bin Hizam ra, he said the Messenger of Allah He said: "Two people who can sell to khiyar (choose) during the two have not split up, or so they parted. If both are applied properly, both in actions and words or description, then selling them blessed (God). And if both be hiding and lying, both buying and selling blessings deleted (lost) "(Bukhari and Muslim). Read more "Style Entrepreneur rights Heaven..."

Entrepreneur Soul Key

By M Suyanto

An entrepreneur must have the key entrepreneurial spirit, which is justice. Justice is fairness, honesty, sincerity is not biased. According to Ibn Khaldun, development can not be achieved except through justice and justice is the criterion used to evaluate human God.

Abu Yusuf explains the justice to the caliph Harun al-Rashid as saying "bring justice to those harmed and remove tyranny will increase revenue, accelerate the development of the country, and bring blessing, as well rewarded in the afterlife."

Successful leaders are serious in achieving justice. They'll say something and try to execute it. They execute by using the principles of justice, not indiscriminately.

Surely everyone wants to be treated fairly, but many among us who ignore this principle of justice. Especially when the decision-making, we get the pressure that makes us not be fair.

The successful leader, has the ability to remain fair, despite the pressure. Being fair is very difficult, not all of us were able to perform at a company or organization.

Leaders who see the world successfully use the principle of equality. All people are equal, then the principle of justice is the coveted leader of his men. When leaders do not do justice, it will destroy the world, will destroy the men and will lead to distrust subordinates to leaders, and would discourage business.

Morale is a rare item. Competition tighter business, did not rule out the employee becomes a victim as a result of the new strategy to win the competition. If it was so, the business spirit of employees will decrease.

In the U.S., Europe and even in Indonesia trying to find the business spirit of the employees, after long forgotten. Various pressures coming from various directions that threaten morale killing a productive and creative as well as destroy it to rubble tidakpercayaan interrelatedness cynical, narrow selfishness and damage that will cause despair. In this work, too many people who feel unsafe, threatened and unappreciated.

KLA Instruments corporate leaders, Ken Levy, uses the principle of justice, when the company is experiencing difficulties. He said in a meeting: "On this day I wanted cut payroll 10 percent, but because I got the biggest paycheck, so please cut 20 percent."

Despite allegations, people who attended the meeting instead of being upset because it was cut, but even they agree and employees to keep working hard. Employee morale is not down, but it increased sharply, because the leaders use the principles of justice.

My experience led more than 20 business units are also taught that way. When one of my business unit in very difficult conditions, so I asked to cut my salary 50 percent, while employees I asked to be patient, if the receiving salaries late and there was no increase in salary. Employees continue to work hard, their morale increases and eventually found new products and new strategies that cause them survive and get out of the crisis Read more "Entrepreneur Soul Key..."

Entrepreneur Soul

By M. Suyanto

The soul is not a physical part of a person. includes the mind and personality, which disinonimkan with spirit, mind, or the crew themselves. The use of the term soul is more often associated with the mundane in comparison with the Spirit. Personality includes mental and physical attitude. According to Professor Chapman Edwood, mental attitude is a way to communicate or express a mood or character to others. If our expression to others is positive, then we should be called as a positive mental attitude. Conversely, if our expression to others negative, so we called the negative mental attitude.

While enrteprenuer are people who are able to create new businesses and the creative and innovative in taking risks and uncertainties to achieve profit and growth by identifying opportunities and threats and to combine with the resources they have. Thus the soul is the key entrepreneurs to succeed in business. One entrepreneur who meonjol soul is a positive mental attitude. Positive mental attitude encourages us to achieve goals with tenacity. When we fall to fall, then we can still say "Oh it's just a small stone stump. Our goal is not reached "we said in the liver. So we got back. Soichiro Honda remained positive mental attitude, when the piston ring made at Toyota rejected and ridiculed by the technicians. After the last two years, and improve weaknesses Toyota pistons were eventually accepted. Even when the factory was bombed twice and destroyed by the earthquake, he remained positive mental attitude to achieve his goal to keep the factory.

Positive mental attitude encourages us to become more creative. Every thing we do not want to happen, with a positive mental attitude we can still respond by looking for something behind it creatively. When students register Priamagama the only 2 people, creativity comes in the form of Security Strategy Accepted. Likewise, when AMIKOM, students who signed up only 8 people, so I tried to find something behind the difficulty. Dhuhur finished, suddenly appeared in my head said "The College Place tie". Spontaneous word I made the slogan AMIKOM. Many of my friends questioned these words. "Students wanted a free, told to wear a tie kok" said my friends. "It is wearing a tie salesman. Just replaced the slogan that Mr. Yanto "said another friend of mine. I still bersikokoh to maintain these slogans until now. I argue that in most universities, who honed some of the knowledge and skills. I would argue precisely the mental attitude that sharpened first. After students are given the Super Excellent training, students are required to wear a tie to maintain performance. From my observation, the serious student to wear a tie when the students proved they were more successful in the world of work than the student who wears a tie only with a half-half. Apparently tie affect their mental attitude. College Place People's slogan is now attached to tie STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta. Positive mental attitude is a mental attitude which must have a successful businessman and a very powerful weapon for success. Read more "Entrepreneur Soul..."

Ways of Being Entrepreneur For Ordinary People (1)

By M. Suyanto, STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta

All people can become entrepreneurs, without exception. Based on my experience, to become a successful entrepreneur can use the SMART guidelines ENTREPRENEUR IN. S stands for positive metal attitude as the foundation to become entrepreneurs. M is Creating a dream and trying to catch up. A is Take a step right now, even though no money. R stands for business and catapulted Secret T symbol of Embrace failure as part of the lessons for success. IN is Insha Allah, only Allah who allows us to be successful entrepreneurs.
According to Professor Chapman Edwood, mental attitude is a way to communicate or express a mood or character to others. If our expression to others is positive, then we should be called as a positive mental attitude. Conversely, if our expression to others negative, so we called the negative mental attitude. Positive mental attitude is one of the prominent entrepreneur spirit.
Dreams are the images of events or anything that appeared in his sleep. Dream is to see something in the bed or fantasize something unattainable. But now can we define the dream is still fantasize what might be achieved although there is no picture or how to achieve it is very difficult to achieve. In the language of dreams is the vision of management, that is something that chill besifat ideal entrepreneur.
Secret to bounce business can use various strategies, ranging from generic strategy of Michael E. Porter, strategic positioning of Jack Trout, strategic intent from Gary Hamel and Prahalat, blue ocean strategy of Kim and Renee and the business strategy of the Prophet Muhammad
Failure is a label that often we associate with an action that did not work and so applied, the label is making us say that is not capable. This decreases our enthusiasm to become a successful person. By the time we were little, failure has no meaning, because we do not have the concept of "failure". If we have the concept of failure, then we will not be able to speak, will not be able to write and not be able to walk. Because to speak, write and walk to the failure of countless. Likewise in the business world can also mimic our failure in childhood and we can learn from the failures.
Insha Allah, only Allah who allows us to be successful entrepreneurs. Success is a process that continued to unfold. Even so, Allah will not change the fate of a people or groups or individuals, unless people or groups or individuals that are changing. We tried the best, wait and follow the right path based on faith in God. God willing, we will become a successful entrepreneur, both in the world in the hereafter mapun. Amen ... ... ... .. Read more "Ways of Being Entrepreneur For Ordinary People (1)..."

Learning Becoming Entrepreneur of Ruth Handler

By M. Suyanto, STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta

We can learn to be entrepreneurs from a woman named Ruth Handler. Ruth Handler to start the business came from a toy his son, in the form of paper dolls. When the doll fell and torn, her son crying. Ny-Handler then thought to make the doll a more permanent and ultimately realistic doll made of plastic.

This doll is a toy that children of the world's most successful. Barbie taken from the name of the daughter of Ruth Handler, which is Barbara Millicent Roberts. Ny. Handler is the wife of one of the founders of Mattel.

In modern management, the Barbie doll that can be long betahan is a strange thing. According to Ian Ritchie from the Oxford Group consultant who has worked with toy company Hasbro children, found the key lessons from the business of children's toys. Placing a child's toy to the market as quickly as possible is very important. Time required from an idea to plastered on the shelves of toy stores, children can be a difference between success and failure. In the marketing world doll timing must be absolutely right. To achieve success should follow the trend doll movies, books, stories, or the latest television series.

Barbie is a universal product and usually standardized. There are also a number of diverse costumes. More than 100 new costumes added each year. This dikeranakan, Barbie is a woman Renaisansi, successful career woman, a member of rock band and football world cup for women.

The next success was when he decided a male friend of Barbie, is Ken. Ken creation is actually an accident, but it produces the expansion of exceptional brands. Ken was introduced in 1961, who hid behind, possibly he was glad to see Barbie success in various aspects of life. Introduction Ken has laid the foundation for the entire set of extensions which maintain the Barbie brand remains the center of attention.

The next friend is Midge Barbie raised in 1963, then peremp uan sister Barbie, the skipper in 1964, followed in 1968, Christie's, a black friend. In 1988, Barbie had a confidant, a friend of Teresa and Hispanic. The next friend is Kira, a friend of Asia which was launched in 1992. Barbie baby sister Kelly and the smallest is Becky, who was in a wheelchair who was introduced in 1997. Now Barbie has an 15,000 combined with changing his clothes, his eyes, the color, but not to replace the leg. Read more "Learning Becoming Entrepreneur of Ruth Handler..."

Belajar Menjadi Entrepreneur dari Raymond Kroc

By M. Suyanto

Kita dapat belajar menjadi entrepreneur dari entrepreneur sukses, seperti halnya Raymond Kroc, pendiri dan pembangun McDonald’s Corporation. Ia merupakan salah seorang pengusaha yang mendapatkan peluang, ketika dia pergi dari rumahnya di dekat Chicago ke California selatan menemui dua kliennya terbesar pembeli Prince Castle Multimixer (alat pengocok susu). Kliennya bercerita bahwa di San Bernardino, ada restoran yang menggunakan mesin untuk mencampur empat puluh gelas susu secara bersamaan. Pada hal, restoran lain hanya mampu untuk mencampur lima gelas susu. Kemudian Kroc pergi ke San Bernardino untuk melihat restoran tersebut. Sesampainya di dua gerbang lengkung keemasan restoran yang gemerlapan, yang menerangi langit di senjakala, dan melihat antrian orang-orang yang berkelok-kelok seperti ular di luar restoran yang berbentuk segi delapan.

Melalui dinding bangunan yang seluruhnya terbuat dari kaca, Kroc melihat para karyawan pria yang memakai topi kertas dan seragam putih, sibuk di restoran yang sangat bersih, menyajikan burger dalam piring, kentang goreng dan susu kocok kepada keluarga-keluarga kelas pekerja yang berdatangan dengan mobil. “Sesuatu pasti terjadi di sini. Ini pasti operasi bisnis paling menakjubkan yang pernah saya lihat,” kata Kroc dalam hati. Restoran tersebut milik Maurice dan Richard McDonald, yang menawarkan menu sembilan jenis makanan, antara lain burger, kentang goreng, susu kocok, dan pai dengan menyingkirkan tempat duduk dan menggunakan alat makan kertas, bukannya kaca kaca atau porselin. Restoran ini merancang pelayanan yang andal, mampu melayani pesanan kurang dari satu menit. “Ini masa depan saya. Saya merasa seperti Newton zaman modern” katanya dalam hati.

Kroc merasa yakin bahwa operasi kakak-beradik McDonald bisa sukses sekali kalau diperluas. Maka pada hari berikutnya, dia mengajukan usul kepada McDonald bersaudara. Kakak-beradik ini berkeberatan, karena sudah menjual waralaba di Phoenix dan Sacramento dengan harga murah dan tidak mendapat keuntungan besar. Tetapi Kroc adalah penjual veteran dengan pengalaman tiga puluh tahun, maka Kroc akhirnya mampu meyakinkan McDonald bersaudara untuk menjual waralabanya dengan harga rendah, yaitu 950 dolar. Sebagai imbalan, McDonald bersaudara akan mendapatkan 1,4 % dari semua penjualan dan mengembalikan 0,5 %. Dengan persetujuan di tangan, Kroc mulai memenuhi mimpinya tentang restoran McDonald yang meledak dari pantai ke pantai. Dia memulai dengan membangun mata rantai pertama kerjasama restoran ini dengan membuah sebuah model di Des Plaines, Illinois, di luar kota Chicago, yang menggunakan strategi harga rendah yang sama, menu terbatas dan pelayanan cepat seperti restoran di San Bernardino. Ini merupakan tonggak awal kesuksesan McDonald Corporation, yang idenya diperoleh ketika Raymond Kroc bepergian.

Sampai pada tahun 2004, McDonald’s memiliki 30.000 rumah makan di seluruh dunia dengan jumlah pengunjung rata-rata 50.000.000 orang dan pengunjung per hari dan rumah makan 1.700 orang.

Lambang McDonald’s adalah dua busur berwarna kuning yang biasanya dipajang di luar rumah-rumah makan mereka dan dapat segera dikenali oleh masyarakat luas. Restoran McDonald’s pertama di Indonesia terletak di Sarinah, Jakarta dan dibuka pada 23 Februari 1991. Berbeda dari kebanyakan restoran McDonald’s di luar negeri, McDonald’s juga menjual ayam goreng dan nasi di restoran-restorannya di Indonesia.

Setiap restoran McDonald’s dioperasikan oleh franchisee, afiliasi, atau perusahaan itu sendiri. Pendapatan Perusahaan berasal dari pendapatan sewa, royalti dan biaya dibayar oleh franchisee, serta penjualan di perusahaan-restoran yang dioperasikan. Pendapatan McDonald’s tumbuh 27% selama tiga tahun, yang berakhir pada 2007 menjadi $ 22,8 miliar, dan 9% pertumbuhan pendapatan operasional sebesar $ 3,9 miliar. Read more "Belajar Menjadi Entrepreneur dari Raymond Kroc..."

Learning Become Entrepreneurs from Soichiro Honda

By M. Suyanto

We can learn to be entrepreneurs from the Soichiro Honda. Starting from his expertise as a mechanic, eventually succeed Soichiro Honda. Soichiro Honda's first job at the Tokyo auto mechanic in 1922 after leaving school. He only attended for eight years. Children's new 15-year-old from a small town, be proud of the 10 car repair at crowded. He was appointed as an assistant mechanic, but his work sometimes as a "baby-sitter" the boy is the owner of the shop. Honda dream to become a car mechanic and he never got the chance .. He was frustrated, then packed his bags and quit his job and left the big city. Six months later, the shop needed, he was called to help fix the car, finally tebuka opportunity for him to achieve his dream.

Like other countries, Japan was hit by a large depression in the 1930s. In 1938, Soichiro Honda was a student, when he started to open the workshop and developed the concept of ring-shaped piston. He plans to offer the idea to Toyota was working day and night, often sleeping in the garage. He always believes that he can refine the design and produce a useful product. To start a business using the capital of jewelry from his wife. When the draft was made sempel and offered to Toyota, the piston does not meet the standards. The technicians laugh at his design. Despite the failure, he remained firm to his guns. After two years redesigning survive and, eventually won a contract from Toyota. Then Soichiro Honda built a factory to meet demand for Toyota. But in the bomb factory twice during the war to become messy. He remains determined to fulfill his dream to build a factory, but once again the factory was destroyed by a massive earthquake.

After the war finished, there is a shortage of fuel, forcing people to walk or use bicycles. Honda makes small engines and can be installed on the bike, but the difficulty of material, so that does not meet the demand. Honda wrote a letter to 18,000 bicycle shop owner, but the results just get a little money. However, with these makeshift money, he makes small engines for bicycles. In the first model, takes place in order to work properly, so he developed and adapted continuously until eventually produce a small engine. 'The Super Cub "into reality and success. Success in Japan, Honda began exporting to Europe and America

In the 1970s, fuel scarcity, then in the United States shifted from large vehicles to smaller vehicles. Honda quickly capture this trend. Now, Honda Corporation has a staff of more than 100,000 people in the United States and Japan, in charge of 43 companies in 28 countries, which is one of the largest car company in the world and the company ranked 26 of the most amazing world in 2003. In 2008, the 6th largest car manufacturer in the world, capable of producing more than 14 million engines per year. Read more "Learning Become Entrepreneurs from Soichiro Honda..."

Learning Become Entrepreneurs from Levi Strauss

By M. Suyanto

To become entrepreneurs which we can learn from Levi Strauss. Levi Strauss came from Bavaria. He arrived in New York in 1847 and collaborated with his stepbrother in the business of goods dried. In 1853 Strauss went to San Francisco to build his own business. The opportunity came when one of its customers, Nevada tailor named Jacob Davis, shows an idea of changing his trousers. Result trousers strong and durable, suitable for use when you're a gold miner or a farmer. Davis takes $ 68 to register the design patent. In 1873 Strauss and Davis patented the pants, or "waist-high overalls" was called at that time. Companies increasingly prosperous and when he died, the company has a wealth of Levi Strauss $ 6 million.

The greatest challenge facing the company occurred in 1906, when an earthquake followed by a fire that destroyed the company headquarters and two factories. The actions of Levi Strauss to give credit to customers so they can grosirnya up and back in business. Companies continue to pay his employees and a temporary office and showroom is open to give them something to do, while the new headquarters and a factory was built. At the time of great depression, when the CEO Walter Haas Sr.. Stay hiring employees by having them build a new floor at the company factory on Valencia Street in San Francisco and not dismiss them. He argued that workers who are authorized, the people who share the values and aspirations are similar to companies such as managers and owners, will make the company become the market leader. "You can not make people excited or get their support unless the organization has a soul" Haas said. Then provide equal opportunity for African-Americans to work in the factory plant in the 1950s and 1960s, when they expand their business into the southern states. In line with its business development, community of people who embrace their tradition of growing together. Levi-Strauss is now getting 40 percent of its profits from international business and plant products in more than 50 countries around the world. A quarter of employees working outside the United States. Levi Strauss chose to do the noble effort to keep driving up hiring employees when the company was in trouble. By doing noble Lord probably helped. Read more "Learning Become Entrepreneurs from Levi Strauss..."

Learning Become Entrepreneurs from Matsushita

By M. Suyanto
Successful entrepreneur who came from Japan are Matsushita. Matsushita comes from ordinary people and was raised in poverty near the small village of Wakayama. He has seven brothers and sisters. His family had once lived a relatively prosperous, but after his father's business went bankrupt commodity, he lived in poverty.
Matsushita left school in 1904 and an apprentice to a charcoal maker. After a career that he became an inspector at the Osaka Electric Light Company, and eventually established his own company, with the name of Matsushita Electric.
Matsushita to produce for the first time is a plug adapter. This adapter has actually proposed to the previous employer but did not receive a response. To create this product, along with four companions Matsushita took four months. After this product so no one was going to buy this product.
Companies start to believe, when he received orders insulator plates. Orders are filled in a timely and high quality products. Of their profits, Matsushita develop innovative Speda lights. Like the adapter products, bike lights are not attractive to retailers. Matsushita then asked the seller to demonstrate to leave a light burning in each of their stores singgahi. These demonstrations attract customers, so the business began to walk and is the cornerstone of suskses Matsushita. In 1932 Matsushita knew already has 1000 employees, 10 factories, and 280 patents. The decision to demonstrate its products to customers is the basis for the beginning of the empire.
Matsushita to build ships and aircraft in the Second World War. In 1958, Matsushita Electric received awards for the quality of factory operations and in 1990, Matsushita bought MCA company. Matsushita has created one of the most famous brands in the world, the Panasonic and has created a 42 billion dollar business. All started with capital from scratch and defeated dreams west industries and use the philosophy of running water.
STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta to attract students, students' work demonstrates to prospective students. Prospective students didemosntrasikan how to make television ads, how to create multimedia profiles in Bappenas. Mebuat including cartoon film "Jatayu" and "The Adventures Abdan". Prior described how to make it, the cartoon was screened first. Most prospective students marveling at the students' work is STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta addition STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta demonstrate, how the lecturers to teach through the Super Training Excellence (PSU), for prospective students. More than 90% of prospective students were satisfied with the training and teaching styles dosen.yang very interesting, because previously the lecturers have been given training how good teaching is. Finally they register and become a student STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta. Read more "Learning Become Entrepreneurs from Matsushita..."

Learning Become Entrepreneurs from Sam Walton

By M. Suyanto

We can learn to be entrepreneurs from Sam Walton, founder of Wal-Mart. In 2008, Wal-Mart was elected to the Company's eleven ranked the world's most amazing version of Fortune magazine. To become the world's best companies is not easy. Full travel lanes Wal-Mart experience.

The company was founded by Sam Walton and Bud Walton in Rogers, Arkansas in 1962. Both were born from poor families. Sam's childhood jobs was squeezing cow's milk, put in a bottle and distribute milk cows. When finished, Sam delivering newspapers. After being fired from military service in 1945, Sam founded the shop with borrowed capital-in-law and $ 20,000 savings result when 5000 dollars in military service. Stores Sam's is a franchise store of the Butler Brothers. With the help of Bud Walton, in-law and brother-in-law, Sam opened the store in Ruskin Heights, near the town of Kansas in the shopping center. Then open a larger store called Walton's Family Center and finally Sam with Bud founded Wal-Mart. Initial strategy was used to discount stores. This strategy is the first in the world. Five years later, Wal-mart has 24 branches with sales of 12.6 million dollars. In 1970, Wal-Mart opens first distribution center and headquarters in Bentonville, Arkansas, and trade shares of the first time. Then Wal-Mart approved and listed on the New York Stock Exchange.

In 1987, Wal-Mart's strategy is to decide later to move in the wholesale business. Wal-Mart learned from Carrefour, which is a European retailer who runs 73 hypermarkets across Europe and there are 780 outlets. Hypermarkets are shops selling wholesale goods and goods other general merchandise under one roof. Wal-Mart has the potential to do a combination of strategy and operations wholesale merchandise that offer opportunities to expand the company faster. Because Wal-Mart at the time, controls 50% of the 150 Miyar dollar discount store business, 32% controlled by K-mart and Target. Wal-Mart's strategy has a simple side-effects and low profit margins. Consumers visit grocery stores more regularly than the general merchandise store. With this strategy Wal-Mart able to cope with intense competition and provide opportunities for consumers to obtain a general merchandise and troubleshooting small profit margins if the consumer is to resell the goods purchased. Wal-Mart opened four Hypermarket and continued to open Supercenter, the store format is smaller than Hypermarket format. To create a Supercenter, Wal-Mart had to experiment for four years. First Supercenter in Washington. Between 1992 and 1998, opened a Supercenter last 558 Wal-Mart into retail companies (retailers) the largest. in the world with sales worth more than $ 100 billion in 1997. and the company's rating on the 2003 World One version of Fortune magazine. Even with a world record one-day sales reached 1.43 billion dollars,. on the day after Thanksgiving. Read more "Learning Become Entrepreneurs from Sam Walton..."

Becoming Entrepreneur Learning from Walt Disney

By M. Suyanto

Walt Elias Disney was born on December 5, 1901 in Chicago, Illinois. From Walt Disney, we can learn a lot to become entrepreneurs. He started to love drawing and art set mempekerjaan at 7 years old. He was also very interested in photography. As a teenager he went to school in the afternoon and went to the Academy of Art at night.

When World War I broke out, he tried to join the army, but still too young. So he placed in the Red Cross, because of his age and was sent to abroad by riding the ambulance which was decorated with cartoon characters. When finished the war, Walt Elias Disney's venture into Hollywood with the ability to draw and $ 40. He started the business with his brother to make an animated film and quickly became famous in Hollywood. In 1920, Disney moved to Kansas City, he worked as an animator Ub Iwerks. Company where he worked, the Laugh O Gram Company went bankrupt. In 1923, he left Kansas City to Los Angeles to find work in the movie business. At first unsuccessful, and he remained determined to stay in Los Angeles rent a camera, build an animation stand and made a studio in his uncle's garage. He started the business with his brother Roy. Alice first film did not make the company look up, so does the film both Oswald the Rabbit, which was launched in 1927 pad. The failure turned into success after the rat made by listening to his wife's advice.

"I hope never to ignore that all of this started with a mouse", said Walt Disney in the late years of his life. Told at one time early in his career, Disney's family friendly with a mouse in his office. Rats often appeared on the drawing board to produce inspiration. An impressive story. The fact that the mice that question started life as Mortimer Mouse. Walt Disney's wife, Lilly does not agree with that name and suggested instead Micky. Walt heard. Is just to please his wife or in his heart Walt Disney also admitted that Micky is a name that is ideal for launching a business empire, no one knows. Micky's name is a name that is more friendly and more informal, which has a relationship with ordinary people.

Pada1928, Mickey Mouse was created and made appearances in the cartoon world for the first time using voice .. On December 21, 1937, animated by the first special music, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, was introduced in Los Angeles. Was made at a cost of over one million dollars, which is a lot of money. Over five years later, Walt Disney produced, animated classics such as Pinocchio, Fantasia, Dumbo and Bambi. Read more "Becoming Entrepreneur Learning from Walt Disney..."

Being entrepreneurs learn from Asa Candler

By M. Suyanto

Asa Griggs Candler was born on December 30, 1851 and died on March 12, 1929. He started to be entrepreneurs by opening a drug store and produce patented drugs. In 1887, he bought the formula for Coca-Cola from John Pemberton and some $ 2,300 worth of property.

Coca-Cola was first made in Atlanta, Georgia, by a pharmacist named John Pemberton Styth. Drink made from tree leaves in South America and seeds from West Africa as well as caramel, phosphoric acid and a combination of seven images of natural taste with a well kept secret until now. Coa-Cola name and written in italics are interesting proposed by Frank Robinson who is the holder Bookkeeping Pemberton. Although Coca-Cola was first created in the United States, but in the year 1906 had opened the bottle factory in Canada, Cuba and Panama, and soon followed in other countries. Coca-Cola is now producing more than 300 brands in more than 200 countries. More than 70% revenue came from outside the United States, which shows that Coca-Cola is a truly global company. In the year 2003, Coca-Cola Company elected as the Most Amazing ranked 9th World magazine Fortune.Coca-Cola had failed in the first year sales. Sales conducted by placing a Coca-Cola in the beverage in the pharmacy at a price of 5 cents per glass and 73.96 dollars spent to promote through the distribution of thousands of banners and ads that offer coupons for free drinks. The result on the average 6 glasses per day, resulting in 50 dollars in revenue that first year. Thus a loss in the first year. Failure to make Coca-Cola create awareness of other media, the mass media has more power when compared to other media and promote Coca-Cola with the atmosphere of joy. At the Atlanta Journal Coca-Cola displays the slogan "Coca-Cola. Delicious! Refreshing! Fun! Exciting! Drink Soda Pop Top, contain ingredients that wonderful Coca plant and the famous Cola nut it ". Georgia school report includes Coke ad which states that the drink is "delicious and refreshing".

The success of Coca-Cola stood out as a clever promotion through the bottle design competition in 1915. Winners of the competition is Root Glass Company. "We need a bottle in which someone would know him as the Coca-Cola even as he felt it in the dark" said Asa Candler, who was then serving as president of Coke. Coca-Cola bottle to distinguish the brand and increase brand identity and maintained until 1955, just after the Coca-Cola is available in cans.

Coca-Cola's greatness is the ability to target the right markets, make product placement a good position, maintaining product quality, packaging mernacang can distinguish with other beverages, manages an extraordinary distribution, promotion of a positive association and use the sale as well as the modus operandi involves community and local initiatives. Read more "Being entrepreneurs learn from Asa Candler..."

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