By M. Suyanto
The soul is not a physical part of a person. includes the mind and personality, which disinonimkan with spirit, mind, or the crew themselves. The use of the term soul is more often associated with the mundane in comparison with the Spirit. Personality includes mental and physical attitude. According to Professor Chapman Edwood, mental attitude is a way to communicate or express a mood or character to others. If our expression to others is positive, then we should be called as a positive mental attitude. Conversely, if our expression to others negative, so we called the negative mental attitude.
While enrteprenuer are people who are able to create new businesses and the creative and innovative in taking risks and uncertainties to achieve profit and growth by identifying opportunities and threats and to combine with the resources they have. Thus the soul is the key entrepreneurs to succeed in business. One entrepreneur who meonjol soul is a positive mental attitude. Positive mental attitude encourages us to achieve goals with tenacity. When we fall to fall, then we can still say "Oh it's just a small stone stump. Our goal is not reached "we said in the liver. So we got back. Soichiro Honda remained positive mental attitude, when the piston ring made at Toyota rejected and ridiculed by the technicians. After the last two years, and improve weaknesses Toyota pistons were eventually accepted. Even when the factory was bombed twice and destroyed by the earthquake, he remained positive mental attitude to achieve his goal to keep the factory.
Positive mental attitude encourages us to become more creative. Every thing we do not want to happen, with a positive mental attitude we can still respond by looking for something behind it creatively. When students register Priamagama the only 2 people, creativity comes in the form of Security Strategy Accepted. Likewise, when AMIKOM, students who signed up only 8 people, so I tried to find something behind the difficulty. Dhuhur finished, suddenly appeared in my head said "The College Place tie". Spontaneous word I made the slogan AMIKOM. Many of my friends questioned these words. "Students wanted a free, told to wear a tie kok" said my friends. "It is wearing a tie salesman. Just replaced the slogan that Mr. Yanto "said another friend of mine. I still bersikokoh to maintain these slogans until now. I argue that in most universities, who honed some of the knowledge and skills. I would argue precisely the mental attitude that sharpened first. After students are given the Super Excellent training, students are required to wear a tie to maintain performance. From my observation, the serious student to wear a tie when the students proved they were more successful in the world of work than the student who wears a tie only with a half-half. Apparently tie affect their mental attitude. College Place People's slogan is now attached to tie STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta. Positive mental attitude is a mental attitude which must have a successful businessman and a very powerful weapon for success.
Kamis, 26 November 2009
Entrepreneur Soul
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