Kamis, 26 November 2009

Style Entrepreneur rights Heaven

By M. Suyanto, STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta

Rights that must be fulfilled by an entrepreneur (entrepreneur) to Allah is the charity of their property, followed shodaqoh and infak. In a letter of At-Tauba verse 103: Take alms of their wealth, with the charity that you cleanse and purify them, and berdo'alah for them. Surely you prayers that (a) peace for their souls. And Allah is Hearing, Knowing. In surat Al-Baqarah verse 110: And be steadfast in prayer, practice regular charity. And whatever good you try for yourself, surely you will get a reward with Allah. Verily Allah is Seer of what ye do. Keperuntukan charity that has already been set by God which is mentioned in the letter of At-Tauba verse 60: Alms it, just for poor people, poor people, board-board charity, which persuaded the heart reverts to (freeing) of slaves , the people who owe, to the way of God and the people who are on the way as something that required God's decree, and Allah is Knowing, Wise. Spend a perfect treasure is the treasure that is loved. In the letter Ali Imran verse 92: You shall not come to righteousness (perfect), until ye spend of that which ye love wealth. And whatever ye spend, Allah knows.
God commanded to do business with the same love-love. In the letter al-Nisa 'verse 29: O ye who believe, do not eat each other neighbor's property by falsehood, except with the prevailing commercial street with the same love-love between you. And do not kill yourselves, Allah is ever Merciful to you.
Messenger s.a.w. suggest to have the right khiyar, which is the seller and the buyer the right to make choices between buying and selling continue or cancel. From Ibn `Umar, the Messenger of Allah, that it is him say:" If two people have bought and sold, then each one of them may not khiyar during their separation, and both are still together, or one of them has given to khiyar the other, and both have done on the basis of buying and selling khiyar it, it's really buying and selling should be done on the case. If they had split up after making a sale and purchase, while the other one has not left (the) sale and purchase. Then selling it to do so. "(Bukhari and Muslim). From Judge bin Hizam ra, he said the Messenger of Allah He said: "Two people who can sell to khiyar (choose) during the two have not split up, or so they parted. If both are applied properly, both in actions and words or description, then selling them blessed (God). And if both be hiding and lying, both buying and selling blessings deleted (lost) "(Bukhari and Muslim).

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